Services & Procedures
We provide most service in our practice.
Repairing damaged or crooked teeth. A very cost effective solution
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Replace missing teeth with a permanent bridge. It is a permanent restoration of missing teeth.
Fluoride treatment, Protective Sealants, Teeth Cleaning, Oral Hygiene Education, Dietary Consultation
Teeth Whitening, Porcelain Veneers
A permanent restoration to restore damaged or weakened teeth
Removable appliance to replace missing teeth
Endodontics – Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment, Tooth Nerve Treatment
Replacement of Missing Teeth
Oral Maxofacial Surgery – Extractions
Tooth Removal. Extraction of Wisdom Teeth. Surgical Extractions
Periodontal Care – Gum Disease
Scaling and Root Planing, Crown Lengthening Procedure, Gum Surgery
Orthodontics – Braces
Invisalign, Retainer Based Tooth Movement (minor and major)
TMJ – Clicking Jaw Joint
Night Guard